Monday, December 28, 2015

12 in 12 Backlog Challenge

12 in 12: An Introduction

I have this habit which has plagued me my entire gaming career.  I enjoy buying games. I enjoy buy games so much that many of them never get played.  I was browsing /r/PS4 today and came across a post referring to a 12 in 12 challenge to help motivate gamers to clean up their backlog of purchased games that have gone unbeaten.  The rules are simple: Play the games you want to complete to completion.  There is also a subreddit dedicated to the 12 in 12 challenge if any are interested in participating.

The objective seemed easy enough so I made a list, and I will be blogging my experience along the way (time permitting).  One game a month should not be too difficult, although one my the games on my list is the Nathan Drake collection which is Uncharted 1, 2, and 3.  I went through 1 since i heard it was the worst in the series (which is hardly fair since it was a really fun game).  Also, I will be pausing along the way to play some new releases since this year there are 3 or 4 games I know I will be buying day one (Horizon Zero Dawn and Uncharted 4 are 2 examples).

Here is my list:

  1. Tales of Zestria - Just started and will be my first completion of the year.
  2. Bloodborne - Oh god help me get through this one!
  3. Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection (2 and 3 only)
  4. Tomb Raider
  5. The Order: 1886
  6. Fallout 4
  7. Dishonored: Definitive Edition
  8. God of War 3: Remastered
  9. The Last of Us Remastered (I know, i know, best game ever, & should've been beat already).
  10. Infamous: Second Son
  11. MGSV: The Phantom Pain
  12. The Witcher 3
I am excited to get started.  I picked up Tales of Zestiria yesterday and have logged about 4 hours in it and I will say it is a lot of fun.  The story is top notch and the sound track is everything I expected from a Tales game.  I know this is going to be a long one so I figured I would start on Tales before the new year considering I have Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3. 

I am also excited to document the results.  There were 2 items on my resolution list from last year that I didn't dedicate a lot of time to.  The first is writing.  I used to write all the time, and with my career centering around technical writing and critique, I decided to leave work at work.  The second item was to beat a lot of the games I have spent money on.  Well instead of beating many games I also bought a lot more so I intend on doing this every year because I know that there will be games I buy this year that will not get the attention they deserve due to whatever reason.

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